Worker Profiles

Do you work within CSS? What do you do? Tell us about yourself, your work, and how you make a difference in people’s lives—and we’ll feature your profile on this website. Click here to submit your profile.


The work my agency does it to help prevent, break and end the cycle of abuse against women and their children. That can take many forms, but that's the premise of my work.
Fraser Valley (area 4)
Sector Job:
Family Support Worker
My work is creative and always changing. It is an exciting time to be with a program talking about something that is relatively new in regards to addiction.
Northwest (Area 12)
Sector Job:
It is my responsibility as a First Nations woman and professional to ensure that my work is approached each day with respect, gratitude and integrity as each interaction affects not only one person, but their family, their community, and their Nations.
Vancouver and Lower Mainland (area 3)
Sector Job:
Aboriginal Services
I empower seniors. I advocate with them, and sometimes for them. Together we tackle many issues including housing, income, the health system, in-home supports. Paperwork and research, outreach and education on various topics, research and complete forms, etc.
West Kootenay (Area 9)
Sector Job:
Community Support Worker
I am a clinical counsellor, so I facilitate change and advocate for clients who struggle with mental health and or abuse.
Victoria, Southern Vancouver Island (area 1)
Sector Job:
Clinical Counsellor
I support 6-19 year olds in achieving their goals towards independence and/or social interactions. In addition, I support families in navigating the complex systems for individuals with disabilities and advocating for funding opportunities.
Victoria, Southern Vancouver Island (area 1)
Sector Job:
Nanaimo, Northern Vancouver Island, Sunshine Coast (area 2)
Sector Job:
Infant Development Consultant
I work with at risk teens in a group home. Kids who's behaviors and/or emotional needs are more then most foster homes are willing to take in, or who have nowhere else to go. I work with these kids to give them life skills for their current development, and for the rest of their lives.
Peace River (Area 10)
Sector Job:
Residential Child and Youth Worker
I help educate, train and support foster parents as well as work to build strong support systems in each community for foster parents to be able to network and support one another.
Kamloops and area (area 5)
Sector Job:
I work with young children and families at a child care centre at UBC.
Vancouver and Lower Mainland (area 3)
Sector Job:
Early Childhood Educator

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